Gesso for gilding - Pack 1 Kg

Gesso for gilding - Pack 1 Kg
The chalk for gilding (often called "Bologna Gesso") is obtained from the gypsum by thermal treatment at a controlled temperature. The subsequent ventilation allows to obtain a fine powder with fineness constant.

The chalk is used to close the pores of the wood and prepare a hard, smooth surface for all operations of the gilding.
To make the gesso better adhere to the support, the gesso should be mixed with rabbit skin glue.
When using it, the mixture of gesso and glue must be kept in "Bain-Marie" at about 50-55 degrees so that they keep the right fluidity.
Should be applied in several layers:
• Three layers for oil gilding
• Five layers for water size gilding
After application of each layer you must wait for the gesso to dry.
After drying it must be sanded and polished.

Available in the following packs:
Code D11M = 1 kg
Code D11C = 5 kg
Code D11V = 27 kg

Gesso for gilding - Pack 1 Kg