Liquid shellac - 1000 ml

Liquid shellac - 1000 ml
Shellac is obtained from the secretions of an insect found in the forests of Thailand. Secretions are collected from the bark of trees on which they are deposited by insects.
Once purified, the substance takes the form of yellow / brown pellets or flakes.
Shellac is commonly used for polishing and protecting furniture.
It is also used to prevent the bleeding of wood resin.

In gilding, shellac can be used for two different uses:
• After applying the plaster and before applying the mission it is advisable to apply a coat of liquid shellac. The function of shellac is to isolate the mission from the plaster, thus preventing the mission from becoming mixed with the plaster.
• After applying imitation gold leaf or real silver leaf, shellac can be used to protect the leaf from oxidation. For this use, however, waxed shellac would be preferable because it does not alter the shade of the leaf.
To sprinkle shellac it is convenient to use a cotton or wool swab inside a sock or canvas wrapper.
Shellac dries very quickly.

Rinaldin supplies shellac in flakes, liquid shellac and dewaxed liquid shellac.
If shellac flakes are used, it must be dissolved in alcohol with an alcohol content greater than 94 ° (100 grams of shellac in a liter of alcohol).

Liquid shellac is supplied by Rinaldin in two packs:
Code D46D = 250 ml bottle
Code D46M = 1000 ml bottle

Liquid shellac - 1000 ml