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Spacer plastic, flat 5x15mm - black - P15NERO

Spacer plastic, flat 5x15mm - black

Spacer plastic, flat 5x15mm - black - Profile


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  • Code:


  • Spacer plastic, flat 5x15mm - black

  • Explanation
    Quantity Discounts Minimum
    Order Q.ty In stock In production
    Q.ty % Q.ty % Q.ty % Q.ty % meters meters within
    € 1,15 50 20% 100 25% 200 30% 400 35% 12
    464 0

    To enter the ordered quantity in the cart click on the cart image.

  • To order with the Chop Service (moulding cut to size at 45°) click here Explanation of Chop Service

  • You can order a sample without ordering the moulding. Just click the cart.   Explanations for the samples

  • Processing steps of mouldings

    Spacers are used to distance the glass from the picture or passepartout.
    Made up of PVC. Length: 2 meters.
    Spacers can be cut at 90° or 45° with the saw or the guillotine.
    PVC spacers have a neutral pH and therefore do not damage the picture.
    Spacers can also be used horizontally. In this case constitute a subtle liner.
    Also used to hide the edge of frame paintings.

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